Path to LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, Executive Coaching, Strategic Consulting and Training:
With a long-time interest in creative and innovative leadership guided by vision and heart, Lisa came to executive coaching through her work in management and leadership, and her nearly 20 years as a psychotherapist. The clients most frequently referred to her have been physicians, executives and other high-level professionals, because they appreciated not only her expertise as a clinician, but also her broad knowledge and understanding of the pressures and challenges inherent in their work and personal lives.
As a highly accomplished clinician who supervised hundreds of other psychotherapists over the years, Lisa maintained a private therapy and supervision practice, parallel to the positions described above, since 1988. Attracted to the coaching model because of its focus on empowerment and building on strengths, she sought additional training as a coach for her target audience to help them improve their career performance, develop their true leadership potential and create for each their most successful possible life.
Unlike therapy, there is no stigma associated with coaching, and capable, talented people see it as a positive, rather than as a way to “fix” a problem. Clients see coaching as a way to get even better at areas of competency and as a way to reach their career and personal goals more quickly and easily.
Focusing largely in recent years on building her executive coaching, leadership development and consulting business, Lisa finds that her in-depth skills in understanding people and what motivates them to be successful have served her as well here as they have in all of her previous leadership roles.